Friday, January 13, 2012

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Testing testing 1-2-3

Can I figure this out? iPad + blogging?

Friday, April 1, 2011

We're Back!!

I've been on a bit of a break... To say the least. Winter came and winter is ssssssllllllloooooowwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy leaving.... Thank you!

April 1st is here!! We have left snowy, cold Michigan and have arrived in sunny Florida. A two week hiatus from the norm. The kids are having a blast- swimming, playing with their cousins, building sand castles and just enjoying each day! It's so great to be outside... Feeling the warm sun.

I recently got the new ipad2!!! I'm thinking this will make blogging easier for me? I need to learn a lot still but hopefully soon I'll be a pro.

I'm promising ( myself) but mostly my blessings that I will keep up on my posts... I really want to. We had a wonderful winter and have so much to tell. I plan to do a "winter review" soon! For now simple blogs of everyday silliness with the kids. It's the simple things that are the best that I don't want to forget.

Talk soon...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

please summer, don't go...

Dear Summer,
Why must you come and go so quickly? 
We see you slipping away!
Don't go, we love you so much!

You let us come out and play each day and enjoy your beautiful weather.

Parks, swimming, bikes...all gifts of summer!

When you're gone, what will we do each day?

You must know that you are so special to the Warner babies.

Thank you Summer!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ISR - Week 5

WOW! What a difference! He's doing it! We couldn't be prouder!

He's doing such a great job following directions and listening to Anna.

What a superstar!

ISR - Week 4

Lot's of progress! No more tears! He's actually asking for more and laughing!
He laughs so much, he swallows too much water!

Anna, his instructor is the best! We love her so much. She's so good with Brooks and he loves her too. He talks about her often and each morning when I say it's time to go see Anna, he runs to the car!

This week he's mastering the roll over and float technique and he's doing beautifully!


ISR - Week 3

Week three and he's doing so well! Still some tears, but we're so proud of him!
It's a lot of work!

Here are some videos...